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Humber prides its partnerships


Humber partnerships have included educational activities in countries such as Bangladesh, Barbados, Botswana, Brunei, China, Egypt, Grenada, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, St. Vincent, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Ukraine, and Zimbabwe.

Knowledge Management Network 

A partnership between Save the Children, World Vision, Humber College, and the University of Guelph.

Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS)

MUCCoBS is an institution with a unique history and specialization.

Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI)

We are the first chamber of commerce in the country exclusively working on women’s economic and social empowerment.


We work towards establishing a just and poverty-free society by organizing and training disadvantaged women in Bangladesh. 

Save the Children International 

Save the Children is the world's leading independent organization for children, we work in around 120 countries. We save children's lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential.

Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief 

CPAR works in partnership with vulnerable communities and diverse organizations to overcome poverty and build healthy communities in Africa.

Amref Health Canada 

Amref Health Africa, the largest African-led international organization on the continent, provides training and health services to more than 30 countries in Africa.

Caritas Bangladesh 

Caritas Bangladesh tries to function in partnership with people – especially the poor and marginalized, with equal respect for all – to attain integral development, to live a truly human life in dignity and to serve others responsibly and with love.

Centre D’inspiration Jeunesse – Haiti

CIJ stands to provide transformative education and training to allow for sustainable development, as the key for the safety of the environment with respect of the elder’s heritage for a better future.