Funded by Canadian International Development Agency
Partnered with Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BWCCI)
To reduce poverty and decrease the vulnerability of women by enabling them to establish their own businesses and to effectively manage and grow their enterprises.
To build the capacity of the Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI) to develop curriculum, training resources and trainers to provide training to women wanting to establish micro enterprises and small businesses and then helping them to manage them effectively.
The partnership between the Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BWCCI) and the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning was a five-year program to assist in the goal of reducing poverty and decreasing the vulnerability of women by enabling them to establish their own businesses and to effectively manage and grow their enterprises. More specifically, the project worked to build the capacity of the Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI) to develop curriculum, training resources and trainers to provide training to women wanting to establish micro enterprises and small businesses and then helping them to manage them effectively.
Over the 5 year duration of the project, participants were trained in curriculum development both in Canada and in Bangladesh. Technical assistance was delivered both in Bangladesh and in Canada. In addition, Humber students participated in project activities in Canada and in Bangladesh.
Humber interns made contributions in implementing technical assistance activities, conducting a needs assessment, data analysis, website development, development of BWCCI’s Strategic Plan, Marketing Plan, Operations Manual and designing a Monitoring and Evaluation framework. In addition, interns played a large role in implementing community awareness activities in Canada, producing a project documentary and fostering a new partnership in Bangladesh where Canadian youth can gain international development experience. Interns worked closely with the Project Coordinators, Humber faculty and BWCCI Trainers to make this project a success.