Funded by Ministry of Information and Communication of Bhutan
Partnered with Bhutan's Department of Information and Media (DoIM)
A strengthened Bhutanese media that contributes to the consolidation of democracy and the promotion of a vibrant culture as part of the country’s Gross National Happiness strategy.
To build the capacity of a range of media stakeholders to create and deliver high quality media outputs/products in various platforms.
Capacity development workshops are delivered by Humber faculty in a range of areas determined through consultations between the Department of Information and Media (DoIM) and media stakeholders in Bhutan. The workshops involve a reciprocal exchange of knowledge. Humber faculty provide technical knowledge related to specific media issues or skills while Bhutanese media participants provide knowledge of the cultural context and how the technical skills they learn through the initiative can be most effectively applied in this context. The intended result is the merging of culturally appropriate knowledge that contributes to better media practice in Bhutan.
Partnered with Royal Institute of Management (RIM)
To contribute to the consolidation of democracy in Bhutan by strengthening the capacity of the civil service to incorporate good governance practices that are responsive to the poverty alleviation priorities of the citizens of Bhutan.
To build the capacity of RIM to design a Management Development Training Program (MDP) and deliver it to Bhutan’s civil servants.
IDI partnered with the Royal Institute of Management (RIM) to assist in developing RIM’s capacity to deliver a Management Development Program (MDP) to members of the Bhutanese civil service. Counterparts from Humber and RIM worked together in the design and delivery of a number of pilot courses in the program.
RIM requested Humber’s assistance in: a) analyzing the MDP for comprehensiveness b) mentoring in the design and delivery of MDP courses and c) providing training materials.
The Management Development Program aimed to provide in-service training to the civil service over a five-year period. The goal was to develop a strong, effective, efficient and transparent civil service.
Over the short term the project results included the completion of a curriculum package for appropriate MDP courses, and increasing the knowledge of the RIM faculty with regards to management training content and delivery techniques.
Over the medium and long term, the project results included increasing RIM’s capacity to deliver the Management Development Program to Bhutan’s civil servants, contributing the incorporation of good governance principles into its practice in a manner that responds to the needs of Bhutan’s citizens.
Bhutanese case studies based on the project have been incorporated into the Bachelor of International Development Program at Humber to engage students.